Lockwood - Ojai
Beautifully fun!
[ Saturday - June
19, 2010 ]
Can you get bored of a route because you travel on it at least once a
year? Nope! It was a beautiful day and the road was awesome.
This ride does do one thing. It shows that I'm out of shape for
endurance rides, but hey! This is all the reason for getting out
there more often and chew up some tarmac. Something has to be
done because Mammoth is just right around the corner (e.g. July).

Frazier park
As always, Lockwood is fun and very technical. We started with a
dirt wash crossing and ended with a mild stream crossing. I stood
up on the 8GS and hydroplaned across the stream. It was a little
wobbly when the rubber met the road but nothing a GS couldn't
handle. You know, it's llike riding in pumice.

As always, the 33 Hwy is awesome.

Johnny had a close encounter with a bee.

It stung him at least twice before dying on the tarmac.
Fortunately we stopped just in time.

Still feeling the pain.

The two part secret weapon for any Adv rider... instant coffee.

It's kind of like epoxy. You combine the two ingredient and
receive instance gratification.

In the Captain's case, instant gratification is not fast enough.
He rather just suck it from the bag and forgo the water bit.
Ojai, Fillmore, and home. It was a fun 250 miles ride. Of
course we had to stop at the Starbucks in Moorpark before heading home.
Written on: June 19, 2010
Last modified: June 20, 2010