As anybody who lives in a metropolitan area is aware, it can suck
pretty hard when it comes to population density. Not only
it's extremely hard to get away from one another. Still, there
an occasional silver lining. In this case it's the benefit of
living close to
the foothills of the San Bernadino mountains. It's just a
hop to
reach some nice canyon roads. I also get a pleasant
surprise for this day. The park has open the San Gabriel
Road (HWY 39) just that much
further into the mountains. I ride to the very top gate and
descended back down. Despite the massive over crowding of
trying to picnic around the 4th of July holiday, it was still a
short ride. The law enforcement was out in force. At one
point, towards the very bottom and end of the ride, I had a park
tailing me hoping to catch me speeding. Sorry, you don't get
take my money for today. I was only about 2-3 miles over the
speed limit.
The Main Monkey Business (Rush -
Snakes & Arrows)
Make sure Apple Quicktime is installed for your system and
otherwise this video won't stream.
I forgot to set the clock on the POV.HD again. Doh!!!
Written on: July 5, 2011
Last modified: July 5, 2011