Left hook!
Right hook!
[ Tuesday - June
26, 2012 ]
Thinking of "Left hook! Right hook!", I got it from both sides
Unfortunately I was out of memory on the SD card in the morning so I
didn't capture the "Left hook!".
Basically I come into work and have to pass through a large parking
lot every day (e.g. the "East Lot"). Being concerned about
people darting out of the parking stall lanes, I stand up on the way
through to spot wacko drivers. It's better to see them before
they see you. By the time they see you you're a "not so
awesome possum" (road kill). Out of the corner of my eye, I
can see something white darting from left to right. The eye is
good at picking up motion like that. I slow and move to the
right side of my lane. When I slowly emerged from my lane (one
of the primary parking lot lanes with the right of way), the car
dove and jerked. The driver was surprised that I was coming up
slowly. "you're not the only one on the road buddy." ... left
On my way home, as I pull onto the street towards my housing
complex, I spot a car on the right coming out of an alley way.
I already suspect the idiot is only looking in the opposite
direction. So I put on the brakes. Knowing the Kevlar
rear brake pads aren't as sure gripped as the OEM, I brake a little
earlier. The GS glides to moderately slow speed. Sure
enough my suspicion was right. The idiot was only looking to
her right. When she finally turned to look forward she finally
spots me. To her surprise I was sitting extremely close at her
9 O'clock. Why didn't I honk? Not enough time. I
rather spend the time for evasive maneuvers (braking and
downshifting). If I didn't spend the time to avert the
situation, it would have been a T-bone scenario. If you look
closely at the video, you'll see her jerk in surprise ... right
Thank god there's no upper cut (e.g. head on). I would
probably be in the hospital or dead. Is there a full moon or
something today? There are way too many loons out and about.
Written on: June 26, 2012
Last modified: June 26, 2012