Native surprise.
[ Tuesday - May 19, 2015 ]
Soooo... I received a summons to serve as a juror at the Superior
Court in downtown LA. Oh so droll. Now I have to look at
driving down there. Or do I. In the last minute, the
night before I had to serve my civic duties, I decided, "Screw
it! I'm going to take the bike." This turned out to be
one of the best decisions I have ever made. The reason is on
multiple front, but most of all I'm impressed with the people of
LA. The only other major metropolitan location I've been to on
a motorcycle is San Francisco. When I was riding around there,
I was extremely impressed with the locals in the area. Unlike
other places, they actually gave Nu and myself a really wide
birth. They were pleasant and very generous. When we
signaled to change lanes, they actually gave room for us to move
over. Is it because we look like police? I don't think
so. Is it because it's obvious that we're not from around
town? This is very likely. I'm sure the way we're geared
had us stand out like a sore thumb and is a lot to do with it.
In that situation I came away with renew respect for the people of
Well, I had half given up on LA from so much commuting, but when I
went to downtown to serve my time, the LA commuters were treating me
in very much the same manner as the SF commuters. I was
completely surprise and very appreciative. Only once did
someone tailgated me, but even then it was just for a short amount
of time until the other lane opened up so they can pass. Doing
a slow split of traffic had folks giving me plenty of room to get
pass. Is it just me or are these folks really understanding
and generous? For once I find myself reassessing my way of
thinking. Perhaps I'm not giving the people in Los Angeles
enough credit. Having completed my jury service in 5 days,
here also I came away with renewed respect for the people of LA.
Perhaps not all aspects of human nature is so bad even when we're
all stuck in rush hour traffic.
Written on: June 9, 2015
Last modified: June 9, 2015