When I ride around with this gadget around my neck, I don't even notice
the brace. I noticed it when I first used it but quickly got use
to the brace. Nowadays, the brace isn't even there. It's
there but it's not there. If anything it's a little bit of
insurance. I already look enough like a Star Wars stormtrooper,
but now it's even worse. Some people have noticed the brace,
other don't. Just today I had a coworker approach me and ask me
what that collar was for. I quickly explain to him it is used to
prevents hyper extension of the neck upon a crash. His curiosity
was satisfied and he continued on his merry way.

There it is... the Leatt Brace. Yes I'm yawning from the
Written on: June 3, 2009
Last modified: June 3, 2009