Primo and myself all ready to go check out some major multi-million
dollar jet
Our route was simple. 210 to the 14 all the way to Rosamond, hang
right and head straight into the Edwards AFB's west gate. All
said and done, it's about 120 miles from Pasadena to the Edwards west
gate one way. We were told by the base security guards that we
needed bright orange reflective safety vest in order to ride our bikes
on the base. However, this proved to be not necessary. When
we got the the west gate, the guards didn't force us to put the vest
on. I figure the guards are slack on this because most people
that ride in don't know the safety requirements. We had some
but ended up not using them.
This is my first major ride with the R1200GS. I didn't know what
to expect but I already knew the bike was going to be nice and smooth
on the freeway.