One coffee isn't enough to count as substance abuse. We need more.

The beauty of digital photography.

Content waiting for some Java juice.

Here's something interesting. It looks like some birds are
calling this home.

I don't know what season they're here but they are definitely leaving
behind a greeting card.
Now that we're done with touring London Bridge and filled ourselves
with another dose of Java juice. It's time to crash Bob's pad and
pickup my other cell phone. Another quick hop. It is only
3-4 miles to Bob's house. Sure enough there it is and there he
is. Bob was sitting in a recliner in his garage waiting for
us. First thing that came out of Bob's mouth, "What are
you? A freakin' astronaut?" I guess he's not use to seeing
people being overly safe on a motorcycle with full gear on. Yes
we are oddballs here. Why? Because most of the people in
Arizona ride Harleys and they're scantily clad. Of course the
lack of a motorcycle helmet law in Arizona also adds to our
weirdness. Personally, I'm wearing a helmet regardless of helmet
law or not. My egg head is just that, like and egg.
We step in and get a tour of Bob place. Nice place. He has
two video poker machines that no longer function. Too bad.
We could have contributed a couple of quarters to his retirement.
The coin machine part of the boxes is broken. That makes it
extremely difficult to contribute to his retirement funds. How
well do the machines pay out? Not so good according to Bob.
The house is on the stingy side. The odds are a 100+% against
us. By the time we're done with the tour, it's obvious that even
Bob's house is more advance than mine. I still watch TV on a
CRT. He has either LCD or plasma TVs. Man, I need to get
with the times. Anyway, we sat around for a while reminiscing
about old times at work. The three of us agreed the period where
Minh, Bob, and myself worked together was the best period during our
work career. It's a shame that it didn't last. Bob ask me
why I bailed from the group. "Management didn't know what they
were doing and they sucked." It's a unanimous agreement that
management did sucked. It sucked big time.

Out in the middle of nowhere. This looks like it use to be a plot
full of brushes. Grapes maybe?

Only 5 miles to the 10 freeway.