Who says Beetles aren't assholes too!
[Monday -
April 14, 2008]
Every once in a while, they show up out of the blue. It's not a
full moon type of day so what's going on? There is an unusually
high of idiotic activities today. At one point I even looked up
at the sky to see if there is a full moon. What is going
on? People darting across lanes to get into a left turn lane,
people talking on the cell phone while running a stop sign, and last
but not least, an idiot who decided he is in such a hurry that he had
to split my lane. I thought BMW car drivers are the only arrogant
idiots out there, but that's just no longer true.
Black VW Beetle California License plate number: 5RUD984 Perhaps I
should pay the CHP a visit. It's only about a 1/4 mile away from
Written on: April 14, 2008
Last modified: April 14, 2008