Double take... Triple take...
This one didn't really effect me much aside from causing me to go
"HUH?" and making me check to make sure I saw what I saw. This
is a three way intersection (Colorado Blvd and Colorado Place in
Arcadia, CA) where the right turn is a stop light.
Let me iterate again... "STOP LIGHT". Some people run this light
thinking it's OK to do so because
they're making what appears to be a right turn. HELLO!!!
There is a BIG
HONKIN' LIGHT in front of you! I don't see a
'Yield' sign anywhere. Amazing! I've
also caught two other
people pulling this same stunt before I had the helmet cam. At
least now I can
record any future incidence. Let's see how long it takes before I
can get another clip to add to the list.
Written on: August 16, 2006
Last modified: August 16, 2006