vioSport Adventure Cam 3

[ September 23, 2007 ]

What is wrong with the vioSport Adventure Cam H2O?  Nothing.  In fact it is working perfectly fine after 1 1/2 years worth of constant use.  Then why am I bothering to change the camera?  It has to do with two things:
  1. More turbulence felt on the helmet because the R12R has less of a windshield
  2. I wanted a rear facing camera for those crazy tailgating fools
My original thought was to mount the Adv Cam 3 as a rear facing camera until we did Rim of The World.  Not to mention the occasional run to Lancaster/Palmdale for curry.  The last several runs we did, we ended up coming back to LA on the 14 freeway.  Did I mention I hate riding on the 14 freeway near Lancaster and Palmdale?  If I didn't, here it is.  Not only are the drivers crazily going 90+ MPH downhill, they do it in a crazy crosswinds.

Long story short, I swapped out the Adv Cam H2O in favor of the Adv Cam 3 on the Arai XD.  It's one of the smarter choices I've made.  Since the Adv Cam 3 is smaller and lighter, there is less turbulence to deal with when turning the head left or right to check for a clear/clean lane change.  Not only that, there is also less turbulence felt with frontal wind.

The Adv Cam H2O will now be used for the rear facing tailgater camera.  The bonus to switch equipment location, the Adv Cam H2O is more resilient to weathering and splashes because it can be submerged up to 10+ feet below water.  This means having it facing rearward with the potential for rear tire splashing shouldn't be a problem.

The mounting of the Adv Cam 3 is not unlike the Adv Cam H2O.  I use a piece of high density foam with a bunch of industrial strength Velcro to hold plop it on the helmet.

The camera could be even closer to the helmet.

The Velcro does such a good job of holding the camera on that I can pickup the camera and  the helmet comes a long for a ride.

What is the lens like on the Adv Cam 3?  It's the same as the Adv Cam H2O (e.g. wide angle).  This means you get a greater field of view, but sometimes lose resolution (e.g. things like license plate numbers can't be seen so easily).  All in all, I'm very please with the Adv Cam 3 because of less turbulence.  It's also easier on the neck.

Written on: September 23, 2007
Last modified: September 24, 2007